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Hand-Loomed Rugs: A World of Materials and Quality

In our hand-loomed rug collection, we proudly feature a rich catalogue of rugs crafted from a selection of preferred materials including Wool, Bamboo Silk, Rayon, Viscose, Pet, and Jute.


Weft Selection for Durability and Design

For the weft, our preferred choices are Cotton and Pet Yarn, lending durability and texture to our designs. In select cases, we venture into the natural aesthetics of Jute and Hemp.


Crafting Quality Through Material Mastery

The quality of our hand-loomed rugs is intricately tied to the choice of material. We expertly determine product quality based on the materials employed, ensuring a wide spectrum of options to suit your needs.


Expertise in Thread Counts and Thickness

Our expertise shines through in thread counts, ranging from 5 to 8 threads per inch. Additionally, we tailor the recommended quality based on the material's thickness, ensuring you receive the best prices without compromising on quality.


Making of Hand Loom Rugs 

The process of hand loom rug manufacturing involves several steps, including preparing the yarn, setting up the loom, weaving the rug, and finishing the rug. Here are the basic steps involved:

  1. Yarn preparation: The first step is to prepare the yarn that will be used to weave the rug. This may involve dyeing the yarn, spinning it into the desired thickness, and winding it onto bobbins or shuttles.

  2. Loom setup: The next step is to set up the loom, which involves attaching the warp (lengthwise) threads to the loom frame and winding them onto the loom beam. The weaver then sets up the heddles (which control the tension of the warp threads) and the shuttle (which carries the weft threads).

  3. Weaving: The weaving process involves passing the shuttle back and forth between the warp threads, using a beater to pack down each row of weft threads as they are woven. This process is repeated row by row until the rug is the desired size.

  4. Finishing: Once the rug is woven, it is removed from the loom and finished. This may involve trimming the edges, washing and blocking the rug to even out the weave, and adding any final touches such as fringes.

Hand loom rug manufacturing is a labor-intensive process that requires skilled weavers and a commitment to quality. However, it can result in beautiful, unique rugs that are both functional and works of art.

Advantages of Hand Loom Rugs 



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